Member-only story
A New Perspective
by Michelle Montoro
Have you ever looked in the mirror at your naked body and just cringed?
I suspect that nearly everyone of us has…more frequently than we ought. You stand there sucking in your belly, twisting and turning every which way to get the most flattering angle. Posing and adjusting and tweaking and hoping that if you close your eyes and open them again, you might see something that you like just a little bit better.
It is all in the perspective though.
If you decide right here and now to love what you have, what you are, what you look like, right in this moment, imagine how much happier you would be? Rather than trying to change it all to suit some unrealistic standard set by some unrealistic ideal, why not just change the standard and the ideal?
We are amazing and miraculous organisms surviving in a world that quite literally should destroy us. The earth’s elements are much stronger than we, yet we prevail. Because our minds are strong. So use your mind to change your attitude, your perspective, and your ideas about what your body should look like. And just love what it does look like.
We only get one shot at this life and it is in this body. I am not saying give up on being healthy and living a healthy lifestyle. We do no need to take care of these vessels that carry us…