I suppose the scenario of the best friend is quite vague here. On purpose. Because it is much more detailed story of its own. She is no longer my friend, not because of this situation, but because this situation revelaed a lot of manipulative behaviors on her part that I was unaware of. When it came to light, I realized that I had no other friends, other than her, because she has purposefully woven false stories to every single mutual friend we had in order to isolate me from everyone. She had effectively infiltrated every aspect of my life to the point where I could no longer distinguish my own thoughts from hers. It was a very long and very painful process to get through and I don’t know that I am quite healed enough to revisit it yet. I appreciate your concern that I may be the kind of person to just toss friends away. But I am not that kind of person at all and I am very much scarred from this particular friendship to the point that I approach all new possible freindships with much hesitancy.