Kimberley, thank you so much for your comment. It has been the most amazing and rewarding journey ever. And my marriage has become so much stronger because of it. I didn’t think that was possible since it was so strong to begin with. I was the first to fall in love and it hit my husband fairly hard, but we talked and processed it together and found our way. Then he fell in love and that talk was so much easier because we had already traveled that road. And currently, I am in the midst of a break up with my boyfriend of nearly three years. And the heartache is real and there have been a lot of tears these past few days. I am so incredibly blessed to have a husband who holds me and comforts as I mourn the loss of my relationship with another man. It’s weird to the outside world, but it is so comfortable and normal for us. So to answer your question, yes…we have had small wobbles and tiny bits of jealousy (only when it comes to feeling that emotional intensity with another person though). We have communicated through it all…the hardest conversations always end in the most progress forward to an even better relationship. We both love hard and strong and passionately and we understand that we both need to share that love with others because it is almost too much for one single person to bear, if that makes any sense. I suspect it does not to many people. But it may to you since you are venturing down this road for your own personal reasons. So just keep communication open and always honest no matter how difficult that can be. Whew…that was a lot. I hope it helped! But please feel free to reach out to me if you have other questions!