Mind Your Words

Shelbee On The Edge
5 min readJul 5, 2021

by Michelle Montoro

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We as human beings have many ways of communicating with each other…words, body language, facial expressions, actions, the way we dress, the way we walk, our overall presentation of ourselves to the world.

So you see, there are many underlying reasons why I do the things I do.

Getting dressed to feel good and present a positive image of myself to the world is important to me. It communicates that I have pride in myself, that I take care of myself so I can take care of the people in my life that need me. It communicates that I make an effort to participate in my life everyday and to actively contribute to the world.

But aside from our physical presentation to the world, it is our words, whether written or spoken, that often are the most powerful of our communication methods.

Words can cause as much harm and pain as any aggressive or violent action. They can cause as much confusion in interpretation as any puzzling facial expression or complicated body language. They can degrade, insult, berate, and break a person down. I know this because I have broken people with my words and I have been destroyed by the words of others. I understand the power that is held within the confines of our human language.

But here is the magic of words….they also harness great power that can be used for good. Words can create joy and encourage peace. Words can change minds and belief systems. They can inspire, uplift, and empower. They can teach, advise, explain, and guide. Words can entertain, soothe, and heal.

Part of why I write is because I am passionate about words. I have always been fascinated and intrigued by linguistics and language. I have always been amazed at the way some people can so effortlessly weave words together to create miraculous tales of hope and strength. How some can use words to make people laugh and have healed through this laughter. I have always admired those who always have just the right words to console and comfort a person in a time of need. Words have always affected me in a very powerful way.

I have had amazing counselors who gave me the tools I needed to find my way in this often cruel and brutal world through talk therapy (words). I have used journaling (words) as an outlet to release my…



Shelbee On The Edge

Michelle is a passionate scholar and a lover of words with a driving desire to help others in the pursuit of becoming the best possible versions of themselves.