Member-only story
Poetic Pondering
by Michelle Montoro
how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?
how the fuck should i know.
i don’t even like tootsie roll pops.
why do we say, “til death do us part”
when we know we will part long before that?
and if we really believe that bullshit…
death can be arranged, can’t it?
why do we say, “only the good die young”
when i am still alive
and i just keep getting older?
why do airplanes have flotation devices under all of the seats?
can’t they just make the whole damn airplane a flotation device?
wouldn’t that be more efficient?
luck be a lady?
i’m a lady.
i have no luck.
what does it mean, you’re only as old as you feel?
then i must be 104.
why do we say someone is so fat they have their own zip code?
is anyone really that fat?
and if they were, would the post office really assign them a zip code?