Member-only story
The Benefits of Flaxseed Oil for Cystic Acne
by Michelle Montoro

Oh, sweet menopause and the years that lead up to it. Are any members of the female gender exempt from the symptoms?
There are dozens of symptoms that accompany this change of life and every woman experiences a unique combination of them. From hot and cold flashes to severe cramping and raging PMS to itchy skin and consistently disrupted sleep, I have to say that none of the premenopausal symptoms are really pleasant except perhaps the part about increased sex drive. However, that can be a nuisance as well if it hits at inopportune times leaving one feeling all frisky and no way to scratch that itch. Thank goodness for the benefits of masturbation when that happens. But this post isn’t about masturbation or the craziness of midlife sex drive. This post is about the insane skin issues that have erupted in my life ever since I turned 40.
I must first give some background. I was that teenage girl that rarely had a pimple. I would get a few at certain times during my menstrual cycle and they were bothersome and embarrassing as such things are for emotionally volatile teenagers. But they didn’t last long and I certainly did not have a chronic issue with skin outbreaks. Like ever. Not even during pregnancy. Perhaps I can thank genetics or maybe I spent so many hours of my time as a competitive swimmer immersed in chlorinated water that pimple bacteria just didn’t stand a chance. But for whatever reason, I have been blessed with pretty decent skin my entire life.
Until I turned 40. Then it was like I was being punished by the epidermis gods for a youth spent in flawless glowing splendor. Whom did I piss off along the way? I really didn’t even realize that I was so spoiled. And I don’t believe I took it for granted. Perhaps I did as I never really adhered to any strict skin care routine. Just washed my face with soap and water when I took a shower. Nothing more, nothing less. Maybe I was cocky about it. I don’t know. But in any event, when 40 came so did horrendous skin issues.
Twice a month, for the past 5 years, the skin on my face breaks out in the most horrendous way. A few days before my period and about halfway through my cycle (at ovulation time), these giant cystic bumps begin to form beneath the surface of the skin on my…