Tips and Exercises for Aspiring Writers

Shelbee On The Edge
10 min readMar 11, 2020

by Michelle Montoro

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I have always been a voracious reader since I was a very young child just learning how to read. I found solace and escape in the stories written by the hands of men and women throughout history. I have always loved the scent of old books in ancient libraries. It is as if I can smell the thoughts and experiences of the people who got lost inside these pages of bygone worlds that existed only in the imagination of the writer.

I feel privileged that writers are willing to share their innermost thoughts and ideas as well as the creations which are born from the hidden places in their psyches. I have always been fascinated by the nature and structure of language and how it provides us with a means to articulate the chaos that exists perpetually within our minds.

From this fascination was born my great desire to be a writer. My words have always been my most effective creative outlet. Now that I have been writing for the better part of 45 years, I not only find the same escape in writing as I do in reading the words written by others, but writing also provides me with a cathartic method to process my thoughts, my purpose, and all of life’s greatest puzzles.

When I write, I share what I know. What I know is based entirely on my personal experiences. The more experiences I have, the more inspiration I gain to write the words down and share the stories. These stories come from my struggles and my successes, my feelings and thoughts, my philosophies and theories, and my everyday life. Because all too often, the truth is stranger and much more interesting than fiction. So I prefer to keep my craft within the realm of my own reality. I find it more relatable that way. And relatability is the way we reach audiences and make the most amazing connections.

But everyone has different passions and different stories to share. Some writers take other routes and may prefer to share their words in a fictional context. From poetry to romance to fantasy to comedy to erotica, there is a limitless number of writing genres for any creative mind to find their niche.



Shelbee On The Edge

Michelle is a passionate scholar and a lover of words with a driving desire to help others in the pursuit of becoming the best possible versions of themselves.