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Where Has All the Toilet Paper Gone?
The Baked Sage: Thoughts and Theories of a Stoned Philosopher
by Michelle Montoro
With this coronavirus, or COVID-19, sweeping around the world like a colossal death sentence preparing to wipe out the entire human population, I am sitting in the quiet of my home feeling just kind of sad. I am not really sure what to make of it all. I am not afraid of the virus itself because I am a fairly healthy 45 year old woman with a very healthy family. I am certain that we would be fine were any of us to contract this illness. Perhaps a few weeks of feeling miserable, but we would recover and life would move on.
But I am starting to wonder if life will move on after the mass hysteria that is surrounding the news of this worldwide outbreak of an unfamiliar virus. Or maybe the media is actually minimizing the magnitude of this sickness. Hmmm. Wouldn’t that be something? In all my life, I cannot recall any epidemic that has reached such heightened proportions as to send all humans on the planet into a ubiquitous panic.
As I sit here scratching my head, I keep wondering: Has the whole world gone completely mad? And where has all the toilet paper gone? What has toilet paper got to do with a virus that affects the respiratory system? Why are the powers that be literally shutting…